| David Dodge, CPC

🌟 Essential Resume Tips for Executive Job Seekers 🌟

close up of resume form on white

As an executive recruiter, candidates often ask me how to polish their resumes. It’s an important question, as your resume represents your first impression in the competitive executive job market. Here are some critical areas that I find often need tweaking:

💡Keep It Concise: Your experience may be vast, but your resume shouldn’t be. Stick to a 2-page limit to ensure clarity and impact.

💡File Naming Basics: A simple file name like ‘John.Doe.Resume’ is ideal. Avoid specifics like ‘John.Doe.Resume.Finance’ – it can suggest that you have multiple resumes you are modifying based on the position for which you are applying.

💡Customize with Care: While tailoring your resume is crucial, keep the adjustments within the document. Focus on how your skills align with the role you’re applying for.

💡Leadership Highlights: Your ability to lead is your
ticket. Shine a light on instances where you’ve made a significant impact
through leadership.

💡Quantify Your Success: Numbers tell your story compellingly. Include stats on revenue growth, cost savings, or team development.

💡Skills, Education, and Certifications: These are your badges of credibility. Make sure they’re visible and relevant.

💡Proofread: A minor error can be a significant setback. Precision in your resume reflects precision in your work.

Remember, a well-crafted resume can open doors. Review these pointers, adjust your resume, and be ready to make a great first impression!

David Dodge, CPC

With over twenty years of executive search and thirty years of business leadership experience in public and private companies, David Dodge has filled positions with many financial industry leaders and forerunners.

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